mom visits vietnam | part two – hai phong

After three days in Hanoi, we journeyed to Hai Phong. My city! The hotel organised us a taxi to the bus station and we took the 1 and half hour bus to Hai Phong. We spent the next five days in Hai Phong where I was able to show mom around; show her the school I’m working at, where I do my grocery shopping and the places I like to eat. She even got to sit in on one of my classes! This was great and I am so glad she was able to see how my life is here and see what I do day in and day out.

Being my mom she of course fully kitted my place out with everything I needed and hadn’t got for myself yet ie. CLEANING SUPPLIES. She cleaned this place from top to bottom more than once and made sure before I left that I was well and truly equipped to keep it clean once she left. Shanny also got to live her own little version of the student life for these four days and ate noodles out of cups and watched Netflix for hours on end. We spent the days strolling the streets, drinking coffee and eating cakes and ice cream. It was bliss.

The Hai Phong portion of our trip was relaxed and a great addition. I so loved having my mom to come home to every day and to simply sit and watch murder mysteries with her again was such a treat!


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